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March-April 2010: Azerri Arrives in Ravenblack City

May 2011: Azerri is sired by neko+demon

August 2011: Azerri severs from neko+demon

October 2011: neko+demon goes DnB

November 20th 2011: Azerri leaves RBC*

March 2012: Azerri returns to RBC but stays out of the tavern

April 2012: Azerri becomes Fully Powered

April 25th 2012:  The Binding Ritual is complete, your new sire is Assassin_Binx.  

June-July 2014: Assassin_Binx Severs Azerri

(Binx thought to never return to RBC)

August 9 2014: Assassin_Binx resires Azerri after returning to the city. 

August 2015: Azerri departs the city*

**OOC departures

November 2, 2015: Azerri returns

November 4, 2015: Assassin_Binx: "Your link with Azerri has been severed"

After this severance, which was a dishonorable public announcement made with spite, a divison was created. 

November 5, 2015: Azerri destroys the illusion/blood-glamour spell she had upon herself 

(Click Here to See Short Story)

Novemeber 17th, 2015: You drove a Wooden Stake into Assassin_Binx's heart!

February 9th 2016:  The Binding Ritual is complete, your new sire is Brom

August 6th, 2017: Upon her own request, and with a mutual understanding; 

Brom says, "I love you, too, dear. -- Your link with Azerri has been severed." 

Lineage/Names (Past)

Ailios: (April 2012- March 2014 )

deVangeline: (Unknown - November 2015)

Mandruleanu: (Name not officially taken)

Sire History (Past): 




Clan History:


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